Integrating WebhookDB

WebhookDB supports four approaches to integrating with external applications. Each improve on standard paradigms which eliminate complexity on the application developer side. (That’s you!)

1. Query the database

Use a database connection string to query the database.

This is the standard way to work with WebhookDB. The only limitation is that your application has to ask WebhookDB for data. This is fine, since the vast majority of use cases are solved with queries, but in some cases you want real-time updates from a 3rd party API.

2. DB Sync

Replicate the schematized and normalized data to another database, like Snowflake, DynamoDB, or another Postgres instance. We call this DB Sync.

3. HTTP Sync

Replicate row changes synchronously to an HTTP endpoint. Think of this like DB replication via triggers or Write-Ahead-Logging, except designed for application integration. We call this HTTP Sync.

4. Notifications

Use Notifications to send updates to another service.

This is similar to HTTP Sync but requests are made asynchronously, like normal webhooks. Importantly, this works even for integrations that do not themselves support webhooks (ie they are backfill-only).

5. Saved Queries

Use Saved Queries to call database queries from public sites, like maps and dashboards. This creates a secure way to present data from your database, with needing to expose your connection string.

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