
This article only applies to self-hosting WebhookDB. When using WebookDB Cloud, this is all handled for you.

Since WebhookDB is naturally very ‘bursty’, is intended real-time processing of events, but also promises to be simple and inexpensive to operate, it has out-of-the-box support for autoscaling.


Web autoscaling is very platform dependent, and most platforms have ways to do it by measuring response time. These can be used for WebhookDB, as it’s generally the simplest solution out-of-the-box.

That said, the handling of webhooks is usually very fast; two web processes can handle a high enough throughput in most cases.


Most platforms provide limited or no capability for worker autoscaling, since there are no standard ways of measuring latency since job systems vary so widely (compared to something like response time for HTTP requests).

WebhookDB has a general-purpose core autoscaling mechanism, which has relatively slim provider-specific implementations.


The following environment variables are used to configure autoscaling:

  • AUTOSCALER_ENABLED: Whether autoscaling is enabled. Default: false
  • AUTOSCALER_PROVIDER: Name of the provider to use for autoscaling (see Providers below). Availablel providers: heroku Default: ‘’
  • AUTOSCALER_LATENCY_THRESHOLD: What latency should we alert on? Default: 10 (seconds)
  • AUTOSCALER_ALERT_INTERVAL: Only alert this often. For example, with poll_interval of 10 seconds and alert_interval of 200 seconds, we’d alert once and then 210 seconds later. Default: 180 (seconds)
  • AUTOSCALER_POLL_INTERVAL: How often should Autoscaler check for latency? Default: 30 (seconds)
  • AUTOSCALER_MAX_ADDITIONAL_WORKERS: How many additional workers should be autoscaled to? Not relevant for all providers. Default: 2
  • AUTOSCALER_LATENCY_RESTORED_THRESHOLD: After an alert happens, what latency should be considered “back to normal” and the ‘latency restored handlers’ will be called? In most cases this should be the same as (and defaults to) AUTOSCALER_LATENCY_THRESHOLD so that we’re ‘back to normal’ once we’re below the threshold. It may also commonly be 0, so that the callback is fired when the queue is entirely clear. Note that, if AUTOSCALER_LATENCY_RESTORED_THRESHOLD is less than AUTOSCALER_LATENCY_THRESHOLD, while the latency is between the two, no alerts will fire. Default: 0
  • AUTOSCALER_HOSTNAME_REGEX: What hosts/processes should this run on? Looks at DYNO env var and Socket.gethostname for a match. Default to only run on web.1, which is the first web worker in various systems, including Heroku. Make sure to run on the web process, not worker process, so we report backed up queues in case we, say, turn off all workers (broken web processes are generally easier to find). Default: ^web\.1$. Note that this should be a regex, and the string is used verbatim.


These can be selected by setting the AUTOSCALER_PROVIDER environment variable.


Scale dynos up and down based on latency. Uses the Heroku API.

Additional providers

Please file an issue to add support for additional providers. Sometimes these may not be direct autoscaler implementations; for example, it could be recording a latency metric in Prometheus, and some other part of your backend, already set up for managing autoscaling, triggers additional containers to be launched/stopped.

Customer providers just implement a #scale_up and #scale_down method, called when the autoscaler determines scale up/down is needed.