Bring Your Own Database (BYODB)

“BYODB” uses WebhookDB Cloud, but you provide the database that data is replicated to, rather than using one of our shared database hosts.

  • Webhooks are sent to our servers.
  • Any API keys you provide are stored in our application database.
  • We write all API data to your database. We still store some data for our job and retry system, but everything else resides in your database. You provide us a connection with write access to a particular database or schema.

This is a good option for customers who benefit from the better latency of running their own database, but do not want to operate WebhookDB themselves.

We do not yet offer self-serve BYODB setup, since it requires you provision a database user with the right permissions, and can be tricky to get right. Please email if you would like to get set up with BYODB.

In the meantime, you can start on [WebhookDB Cloud](/docs/operating-webhookdb/cloud-hosted.html and we can migrate to your database when you’re ready (migrations are lossless and zero-downtime).