Increase Account Transfer (increase_account_transfer_v1)

Replicate Increase Account Transfers into your database.

To get set up, run this code from the WebhookDB CLI:

webhookdb integrations create increase_account_transfer_v1

Source documentation for this API:


Supports Webhooks
Supports Backfilling


Tables replicated from Increase Account Transfers have this schema. Note that the data types listed are for Postgres; when replicating to other databases, other data types maybe used.

Column Type Indexed
pk bigint  
increase_id text  
amount integer
account_id text
canceled_at timestamptz  
created_at timestamptz
destination_account_id text
destination_transaction_id text
status text  
template_id text  
transaction_id text
updated_at timestamptz
data* jsonb  

* The data column contains the raw payload from the webhook or API. In many cases there is no canonical form, like if a webhook and API request return two different versions of the same resource. In that case we try to keep the most coherent and detailed resource.”

Table definition

This definition can also be generated through webhookdb fixture increase_account_transfer_v1.

CREATE TABLE public.increase_account_transfer_v1_fixture (
  pk bigserial PRIMARY KEY,
  increase_id text UNIQUE NOT NULL,
  amount integer,
  account_id text,
  canceled_at timestamptz,
  created_at timestamptz,
  destination_account_id text,
  destination_transaction_id text,
  status text,
  template_id text,
  transaction_id text,
  updated_at timestamptz,
  data jsonb NOT NULL
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS svi_fixture_amount_idx ON public.increase_account_transfer_v1_fixture (amount);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS svi_fixture_account_id_idx ON public.increase_account_transfer_v1_fixture (account_id);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS svi_fixture_created_at_idx ON public.increase_account_transfer_v1_fixture (created_at);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS svi_fixture_destination_account_id_idx ON public.increase_account_transfer_v1_fixture (destination_account_id);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS svi_fixture_destination_transaction_id_idx ON public.increase_account_transfer_v1_fixture (destination_transaction_id);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS svi_fixture_transaction_id_idx ON public.increase_account_transfer_v1_fixture (transaction_id);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS svi_fixture_updated_at_idx ON public.increase_account_transfer_v1_fixture (updated_at);